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No. Windows CE is a completely different kind of operating system.

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Q: Will programs that run on Windows XP run on Windows CE 6.0?
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Can regular Windows apps run in Windows CE?

can regular window apps run on windows ce

Will pocket PC 2003 and Windows CE 4.20 run the same programs I have a IPAQ 1900 series that broke I picked up an IPAQ h2200 that runs the CE Can it be upgraded if need be to make my programs work?

Hi windows ce your OS .pocket PC 2003 is the gui that goes with it they are as inseparable as a dog and a bark

How do you upgrade from windows ce to windows 7?

No. Windows CE is not typically run on the same types of hardware as Windows XP or Windows 7. There is also no Windows CE version of the setup program on the Windows XP or Windows 7 discs, so even if the hardware was compatible, you'd have to do a clean install.

What does Windows 7 have versus Windows CE?

Windows CE is the Compact Edition of windows. CE is not designed for use on a personal computer, its designed for computers designed for a very specific purpose such as a car computer, tv, or printer. Windows 7 is a full operating system for a personal computer. It allows you to run a large number of programs on any computer with an x86 or x86_64 processor.

Will OpenOffice run on Windows CE 6.0?

No. When attempted to install, the installer will display the message "this version is not compatible with Windows CE".

How to run JavaScript on Windows CE 5.0?

mori dun colpo

What PDA devices are available that use the WIndows CE operating system?

There are a number of PDA or palm devices that are available and run off of the Windows CE operating system. In fact, Windows has now released its own set of tablets and PDAs that run on the Windows operating system and are branded as such.

How do change windows ce to windows 98?

i have solution which is not sure. that is; copy windows98 isntallation files from windows98cd, and paste that files to usb memory or sdcard, and run installation file on windows ce. maybe we can run installation files woth problem messages so we have to find another ways

When was Windows CE created?

Windows CE was created on 1996-11-16.

Can you install tally and Photoshop in windows ce 6.0?

No. Photoshop and Tally are not compatible with Windows CE

Can you install tally and Photoshop in via windows ce 6.0?

No. Photoshop and Tally are not compatible with Windows CE

Can you change Windows CE to Windows XP?

you can change windows ce with any other operating system made for arm architecture,,,but not xp