No, Mac OS X requires a Power PC processor (supported through Leopard) or an Intel Core Duo (or newer) processor since these are the only processors that are used in Apple hardware and Mac OS X may only be installed on a Mac.
Everything else in your system will work. It's just your processor. Get a different processor. Reply with what processor socket you are using and I will give you a list of recommended CPU's!
OS is compulsary to work properly for any processor including 8085 since OS consist of all the instructions that guides the processor,how to react in certain situations........!
Yes it will work great.You can run it on pentium 4 also.
The Pentium 4 and Pentium 4 HT differ only in the "HT" designation, which means "Hyper-Threading". Hyper-Threading allows one physical processor to represent itself as two "logical" processors to the computer, doubling the amount of tasks the computer can work on. It effectively allows you to have a dual-core processor while only paying for a single-core. Get the Pentium 4 HT!
Fable III is only available for the XBox 360 and computers running the Windows operating system. If the Mac has an Intel processor and has the Windows operating system installed then it can run Fable III.
processors and DVD burners are separate entities and do not effect compatibility. The DVD burner will work on any processor if the motherboard it is using has the correct connection for it.
The intel pentium M processor is meant to be an mobile microprocessor. It was designed specifically to work with laptops and notebooks. However, several companies have integrated them into their motherboards.