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Can you carry out 64-bit digital instructions? They already are!

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yes there are

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no they don't

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Q: Will computer ever be cleverer than people?
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Will computers ever be cleverer than humans?


Are autistic people any cleverer?

Autistic people are 'cleverer' than people who use the word 'cleverer' that is certain. In theory Autistic people are more intelligent than Neurotypical people, but there is no reliable measure of intelligence or way to say for sure which group of people is more intelligent.

Are people who eat dark chocolate cleverer than people who eat milk chocolate?

No, they just have better taste.

Are computers cleverer than people?

If you mean intelligent as "can take decisions on it's own", then computers are dumb, really dumb. They need to be told what to do. Programs are in fact a list of instructions that the computer reads and execute. It is the job of the program developer to determine what does the computer should do, so, what does the program contains. it is as intelligent as you

Why are men cleverer than women in mali?

They're not. For example: Cleverer isn't a word & Mali is supposed to be capitalized!

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Are dogs cleaver the cats?

Assuming you mean "are dogs cleverer than cats", the answer is difficult. Dogs seem to be more intelligent than cats, but much of that intelligence is used for socialization skills, which cats don't need. So cats are cleverer at some things, like hunting, while dogs are cleverer at others, like getting along with people and dogs.

What to use to catch a leprechaun?

To be cleverer than him - but that is extremely difficult.

Are humans cleverer than computers?

well, who do you think invented computers?

Are ainmals cleverer than us humans?

This question does not have enough information to answer.

How smart are Duck?

A little bit cleverer than a piece of wood.

Is it cleverer or more clever?

Cleverer is an adaptation of clever.As in, Marsha is cleverer than Mark, but Madison is the cleverest of all.It does sound better to use, Marsha is more clever than Mark, but Madison is the most clever of all.Fowler's "Modern English Usage" includes clever in the list of adjectives regularly taking -er and -estin preference to more and most.