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Q: Why would you sometimes use a search engine and other times use a FTP or Archie server?
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Why would you sometimes use a Search Engine and other times use an FTP or Archie server?

i want to find out the answer

Why would you use a search engine and other times use an ftp or Archie server?

i want to find out the answer

What is the server on an iPad?

The server on a Ipad is the search engine for the device.

What are search engine and its function?

A search engine is a web server that scans websites for words and phrases. When you type in a search, the web server or web servers will look for matching words and phrases. The function of this is to help users find topics they are looking for or want to know about.

How do you remove Inbox search engine?

Delete your entire web pages over your web server after some crowlling search engine have removed in inbox .

Is a search engine a map?

Difficult to imagine a search engine as a map. A search engine is a smart software that scans the pages on internet and indexes (saves a copy) each of them on a server. It lives on a collection of huge server storage racks. A search engine goes form one page to another using links (hyperlinks or URLs). So you can in some way relate a search engine to a map. It does have roads(links) and it does point or direct to certain places on the webscape.

Where is the google search engine server?

There isn't just 1 server, there's actually 1000s, most of which are locAted in silicon valley

How i can begin php in Linux?

PHP on windows runs using the WAMP Server while on Linux it runs using the LAMP Server. Try getting a LAMP Server from a search engine

How do you remove inbox search?

Delete your entire web pages over your web server after some crowlling search engine have removed in inbox .

Is a search engine a hardware device?

No. A search engine is a program that indexes files to be found later when matched to keywords. The only hardware that a search engine program needs is a server or CPU to run on. All software needs hardware to store it and read it so to say.

What is the index of a search engine?

A search engine has by default index all the data over the "world wide web server" and stored and index in his inbox after that provides as results for search queries on a especific keywords which searched by user.

How do you create zombie server?

After making the server, install the mod engine. (AMX Mod X for Half-Life games and SourceMod for Source games) Then search for the plugin for the zombie server you want.