No, because a cow couldn't reach that area.
if a bearded dragon is starving which it should not be in the first place then it would not eat its own tail. It might change colour slightly or may show a slight change in a small way. If two are kept in the same cage then they might rarely bite each other. But why would you ask this question unless you know one that's in that stage or are just curious.
I would imagine so, Would you eat your own poop?
They would eat there own poo or eat there own earwax
Well, NO! I mean can you really eat your own Horn, would you, have you ever seen a deer eat it's own Horn? NAAA!
Dogs do not eat their own tails but they do sometimes bite at the end of their tail and then pull on it so it looks as though they are trying to eat it. They might either run around in circles doing this, or they might lie on the floor and pull at their tail. It could look cute or amusing but the dog is actually very uncomfortable. When a dog persistently pulls its own tail it is most likely trying to clear blocked scent glands (which are near the base of the tail), or it may be that the dog has worms (and so has an itchy bottom). If your dog pulls its own tail more than once or twice you should consult your veterinary surgeon to discover the cause. They will soon be able to clear a blocked scent gland to make your dog more comfortable or suggest a wormer that you can use, as appropriate.
I own a ford f150 and my tail lights are not working, but my brake work. What could wire or what could be causing that.
i would eat my own leg!
how much money would it cost to start your own dance company
you have to eat your own feces