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Was it a prepurchase? If so, you can't play the game until it is actually released. What you did was preloading a game, which means downloading it before, so you can play it immediately after it's released.

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Q: Why wont steam allow you to play a game you downloaded?
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Do you have to pay after you download the game from Steam?

If the game is free to play, it should be available to download without buying the game. Paid games have to be bought before they can be downloaded.

Do you need a disc for Team Fortress 2?

If you downloaded the game, no. If you purchased the game and it came with a disc, maybe. I wouldn't think that the disc is required to play, as the game associates itself with your steam account for verification.

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No you have to download the games to play them he can come to your house log into your steam with his name but only he can play it under his name and only he can access it so both of you cant share it and play together violates their policy and is illigal copy. But what you can do is get the game and download it or ask a friend to buy the game and they have option where they can send it to your account as a gift and it will belong to you.

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You can only play downloaded if your Wii is chipped

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If you have another computer you can install steam onto that one and re download the game but it will not allow you to duplicate the game because thats illigal copy and violates your agreement with steam. So only one person can have the game on one machine so if your buddy wants to play with you he will have to set up his own steam and get the game. You can purchase the game and send it to him as a gift on steam one of the cool options they allow to share a game but you still have to pay for it unless its free

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Go to game library and click all games and the game you downloaded should be there

Can you download just cause 2 and play another game whilst waiting?

Steam automatically pauses downloads when you run a Steam game so the only option is to play a non-Steam game (something outside of Steam).

How do you play a game you downloaded through the PlayStation network online?

Once you've downloaded the game, it will be on your playstation 3. So all you have to do is once you are on the main screen of your ps3, go under the game category and you will find your downloaded games. Just click on the game you wish to play.

You downloaded a game from frostwire how do you play it on your computer?

you need programs, try google: What Programs Do I Need To Play Downloaded Games From Frostwire

Does avatar the game need steam to play?

no it doesn't need steam

Are there any 3d games were you get to play as an animal that don't have to be downloaded?

Yes, there are some 3D games that allow you to play as an animal and you do not have to download the game. You can find one of these games on the American Girl website.

I got a steam account and i downloaded Portal for Free and im just wondering how do you launch your games on steam?

Go to your games library and select Portal on the left pane. Then in the middle window, find the small "play" button under the game's title.