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try moving the wii closer to the n wifi usb connector/router if i doesnt work try and enter your error code

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Q: Why won't your Wii connect to the Internet You tried using a Nintendo WiFi USB connector but you keep getting an error code Tried wireless connection with your router?
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Can you use a Nintendo Wi Fi USB Connector without wireless broardband?

yes u stick it on a computer that HAS internet connection and wi-fi connector does the job. i have it.

Can you get the Nintendo WIFI connection to work without a wireless adapter?

you ether need a Nintendo wifi usb connector or a wireless router.

Do you need a wifi usb connector to have WiFi connection?

No, as long as your Nintendo DS can pickup a wireless connection, you can still connect to Nintendo WFC.

Where can I get a Wifi-Connection for my Nintendo games?

If you have a wireless internet connection at your house, you can use it or buy a USB adapter on the internet.

How do you get an internet connection on the Nintendo Wii?

you must get wi-fi You could get wireless internet connection and go to to wii shop and hook it from there :)

Is the Nintendo WFC USB connector the only way to connect a DS to the Internet?

No. If you have your own wireless network at home, you do not need the USB connector.

How do you connect your DSi to the Internet?

You have to have wireless internet, then you tap options, tap internet, then it will tell you what to do next. You can configure your DSi's internet connection settings via the Internet option on the third page of the system settings application. You must either have a home wireless network (i.e. a wireless router currently connected to the internet) or a Nintendo WFC USB Wi-Fi connector for your DSi to get online.

Is WiFi for Nintendo DS free?

If you have a wired Internet or ADSL, you will have to pay for a Nintendo Wifi USB Connector which will work with any Internet connection. If you have wireless Internet then follow these steps: 1. Put in your Wifi Connectible game card in 2. Go to the game's Nintendo WFC Settings 3. And Click on Search for an access point

What is a USB wireless adapter?

The Nintendo USB Wi-Fi Connector is for people who want to play Nintendo DS games on a WiFi network but do not have a wireless modem. Just plug it into a computer that is connected to the internet and you can access the internet as a wireless network on your DS.

Will you need a wireless router for Wi-Fi connection even if you have a wi-fi usb connector?

Most wireless connections also require the use of a WiFi router when using a USB Connector for a second desktop if the Internet connection is hard wired to a desktop computer. If the main Internet connection is a WiFi antenna on the building, then a wireless router is usually not necessary, but the USB Connector is necessary for a desktop computer.

Is it worth getting internet on Nintendo Wii?

it is very very actually brilliant to get internet on your Nintendo wii all you need is a wired or wireless connection but it is better if you get a wireless one because it is cheaper. good luck

How can I upload coins from my Nintendo DS to my Club Penguin account without an internet connection?

Well, if you have a Club Penguin account, you need a internet connection. And to upload, you need to setup a wireless connection. There is no way to do this without an internet connection. in other words no you cant but if you find a wireless hotspot bring your ds and log in.