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You can correct this size problem. Just open a browser window and resize it manually (not using maximize button). Place the mouse pointer on the lower rigth corner of the window, a resize handle will appear. Click and drag to resize the window to the full size. From now on every browser window you oen will appear in full size. If you find this info useful, please vote!!!

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Q: Why when you open a new browser window does it appear reduced size?
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For Internet Explorer, next to the red colour "X" button which closes the window, there is a button that maximizes the window. If you hover your mouse over it, a tag that says maximize would appear. If you want to full screen the window, press F11.

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If you want 2 browser windows open using the same browser? Click on File > New > Window.If you want 2 browsers open, just open both. Simple.I only use Netscape and IE and these work for both. I don't know about other browsers like Opera or Firefox.AnswerA very useful shortcut key is pressing Ctrl + N (new) while having the active browser window (the window you want duplicated). A new browser window will open up in a cloned fashion. Answer(cheesytacos)It depends on the browser but in most browsers, there is the Ctrl+N shortcut which starts a new session of what ever browser you are using. Or, you can press file and select new from the drop down menu. But browsers like GoogleChrome and ChromePlus have a settings menu in the top left corner of the browser that shows the option.*Note: this answer is based on computers running Windows. I do not know about Macs.

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.xpi is a Mozilla Firefox file extension. To open this type of file, simply drag it into an open Firefox browser window.

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Computers run programs and one of those programs is an Internet browser, such as Safari, Internet Explorer or Firefox.An Internet browser operates in sections called windows. Every time you open (launch) your browser, you open a window. Some browsers offer you the option to open new sections by opening new tabs.Opening new tabs in one window is more efficient than opening new windows with your browser when you want to work on multiple Internet tasks at the same time.

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You can add or remove icons on your web browser (Internet Explorer) by going into your browser clicking tools, toolbars, and customize. A Window should open allowing you to add or remove buttons.