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so people could see the Microsoft view.

(alternative answer) Microsoft Windows was invented in order to create a computer operating system that would be user friendly, in other words, that would be intuitively easy to use, rather than requiring the user to learn arbitrary procedures.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

It was made to be an operating system for the PC.

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Q: Why was Microsoft Windows invented?
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What company invented Windows 8?

All versions of Windows to-date have been made by Microsoft.

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The company "Microsoft" created and developed the Windows 7 Operating System. No single person invented it. It was a common effort between the entirety of the company Microsoft.

What company invented Windows XP?

Microsoft. All windows are made from that company.

Who created Windows?

Bill Gates invented microsoft since the year 1984

Who invented the Windows XP?

It was a joint effort of the Microsoft Corporation.

Who discover Windows 8?

Windows 8 was not discovered. It was designed and developed (invented) by Microsoft Corporation.

What year Microsoft Windows invented?

They invented it in the early 80's and it was released in November 1985.

What year was Microsoft Word for windows invented?

Microsoft Office was invented in 1988 by Microsoft. It was not released until November 23, 1990. The initial package consisted of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint.