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Why Oracle Is So PopularIn a nutshell because for the longest time they had the best database with the best performance. DB2, SQLServer, and others have closed the gap, but they're still the Cadillac of databases. I know, I work with Oracle databases every day.
  • I have been an Oracle DBA, Informix DBA and am now an HPNonStop Tandem DBA. Along with Oracle's performance, it is also easier to learn, administer and has the best GUI tools included with the product (meaning you don't have to purchase tools separately).

I personally think Oracle leaves a lot to be desired. In my experience, Oracle seems to require many more resources to operate and upgrade than DB2. I would prefer DB2.

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How can you connect to an Oracle database using PHP?

Is there an ODBC driver available for your Oracle database? If so, the ODBC functions may be the way to go.

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An OCA DBA fresher salary is in between 1.75 LPA - 2 Lac per annum, in India. Now a days Oracle database administrator are good in demand. SO its better go for oracle certification, for online preparation for oracle database adminsitration certification training, check out

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Filemaker is one of the more obscure (and Mac-based) database packages, so you'll have to consult with your vendor.

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Most database vendors offer an API for this purpose. The usage will vary by vendor, but generally you open a connection, query (or runcommand), check or step through results, close connection. In the MS Windows environment, you can also use ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), which is an API that abstracts (no, its not C++ classes) the database, its tables, and its query language. You still have to install a vendor specific ODBC driver, and a vendor specific database client, so you still need to consult the vendor documentation. The procedure is similar to the non ODBC solution - you open the connection, query it, step through the results cursor, and close the connection.

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This is just speculation on my part, but I suspect it's something like this: Oracle makes their money on licensing the database, and it's to their advantage to have a "pet" OS where they can make any enhancements the database needs directly without having to trust that, say, Microsoft will say "Sure, Oracle, we'll make that change you need in Windows Server 2008 so you can sell your database at the expense of our own SQL Server". Oracle can afford to give away Solaris to help drive Oracle Enterprise Server sales.

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Yes, Excel can be used as a database but not to the same extent as other applications. It is primarily a spreadsheet application, so it does not have all the facilities you might want if you are creating a database. Something like Oracle or MySQL or Microsoft Access are better suited to be used as a database.

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The process of creating and managing duplicate versions of a database. Replication not only copies a database but also synchronizes a set of replicas so that changes made to one replica are reflected in all the others. The beauty of replication is that it enables many users to work with their own local copy of a database but have the database updated as if they were working on a single, centralized database. For database applications where users are geographically widely distributed, replication is often the most efficient method of database access.

Difference between Oracle 11g and 11i?

1.Simplified and improved automatic memory management 2.New fault diagnosability infrastructure to prevent, detect, diagnose, and help resolve critical database errors 3.Invisible Indexes 4.Virtual columns 5.Enhanced security for password-based authentication by enabling use of mixed case in passwords. 6.Tablespace-level encryption 7.Ability to online redefine tables that have materialized view logs Thease are only few enhancements , you can find more detail in the doc suggested by SaRa.

Specialization Means Money?

The Oracle database administrator is responsible for supporting the Oracle databases of a company, which means ensuring their top quality performance, security, and availability.The Oracle database is an ORDBMS, or an object relational database management system. It has, since its inception in 1977, become the industry standard in its field. As many companies have already chosen the Oracle software to handle its databasing needs, the administrator position holds a very large and central role within the information technology aspects of many top companies.The average Oracle database administrator makes US $100,000 as a starting salary.The responsibilities of an Oracle database administrator can include -Ensuring the ongoing peak performance and availability of the databases supporting the core system.The responsibility for releasing and implementing changes to the database as they are submitted to the developersWork with an interdepartmental team to ensure that the resources associated with the hardware are properly allocated to databases.Ensuring the optimum performance and availability of said hardware.Final responsibility for maintenance and improvement of databases, including upgrades and rollout.Monitoring the databases to ensure implementation of security measures.Monitoring the databases to ensure minimum downtime.Final responsibility for problem escalation to third parties and to the Oracle Development Team as found appropriate.Providing the service management team with trend analysis so thay they can make informed decisions about the allocation of resources.Oracle provides official certification in its products, which can help tremendously with employment as an Oracle database manager. Many times this is a required attribute for an application. Oracle database administrators are also expected to develop interdepartmental project management skills and be able to communicate with a wide variety of professionals, not just other engineers or information technologists.General experience in SQL systems is often a desired trait, as many times a company running Oracle will have to communicate with a company running a database system that is not Oracle. The database manager will have to know how to make the systems work together.In short, the Oracle database administrator is in high demand because of his or her technical expertise, but anyone wishing to advance their career must really learn how it affects the entire company.

What should you study to be senior oracle?

To be senior we assume you are already at least junior or entry-level oracle - yes? And by "Oracle" we further assume you mean an Oracle database administrator (DBA) versus say a senior Oracle product manager. If you meant a DBA, then may we assume you already are familiar with Oracle publications like "Oracle Database 11g, The Complete Reference" ISBN 978-0-07-159875-0? Have you read the materials published by Oracle online at oracle's web site? If so, then to be considered a "senior" Oracle person, you will want to a) have at least three to five years work experience with Oracle technologies, and b) become accomplished with some of the soft skills, e.g., working with system administrators, working with application developers and customers, documenting your work, working with management. These are skills that separate the senior professional from the beginner. Piece of cake - go get them and prosper!

Differentiate manual database to a computerized database?

A manual database is a paper based database. A computerized database is one which is held on a computer in an organised manner. A computerized database is more advantageous than manual database in terms of speed, flexibility, and ease.A manual database would normally be data held on paper. So this could be things like a phone book or address book, or files held in a filing cabinet. A computerised database is held on a computer in an organised and structured form. Usually this is done using a database application such as Oracle or Access etc. It is easy to manipulate and extract data, so far more efficient than a manual database.