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It can probradly be that the headphones are old or not working anymore so i prefer you to buy another one and if it still not working there something from in your computer

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Q: Why my right speaker of my headphones stopped working suddenly i was watching movie and not moving at all?
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A good standard procedure for checking a possible hardware failure of this nature: First test the computer and the peripheral (headphones in this case). Plug another set of headphones or a speaker into the same jack you plugged the headphones into. Next, plug the headphones into another computer or mp3 player. This will help determine if it's one or the other that is faulty. Check ALL your volume controls. In Windows, there are multiple volume options. In your system tray, there is a speaker icon you can right-click on and select "volume options." Make sure you don't have something muted there. If you put your headphones into another computer and get sound, but you try a pair of headphones in your computer and nothign works you may have a faulty jack. Get a pair of phones you know work for certain, plug them into the computer. Do you get any hissing or intereference? If so, it is likely the computer. Try very gently wiggling the part of the headphones that plugs into the jack around while it's plugged in. Do you get static or popping sounds? It is likely the jack in need of repair if you do.

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