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Actually your question is that when you try to log in to your account receives the message of being invalid user or anonymous user,whereas you created your account every thing is right at last you are fail why is this.

Some instructions are necessary to follow some methods are working in this connection,one is that if you had created your account,it was essential part for you to remember all necessary related details that were provided at the time of creating said account or to note down all of details was necessary for you at last you receive the message of being invalid so click on the forget password tab if your email address is correct so they will sent email to rest your password ,if you email address is not correct so you have one more than email address remember that email which is provided in the time of creating your account to ASP (Account Service Provider) ,if you are succeeded to remember that email address so you will be able to log in to your account. In spite of following the narrated method you are fail to log in your account,here are some more reasons could be the causes of failure of logging in your account.

When a user try to log in his account by typing different password only to prove his actual password or to guess correct password,so that thing make you suspicious and your proved an invalid user,sometime as a result of your security same situation wittingly created so that any one could not misuse your account by fake logging in your account.

Best ways to follow is to remember always or to note down always every thing related to your account .

One more important cause of failure in your account show your negligence from your account,sometime your leave your account in same condition that was created by you,not to com back towards your account profile do not maintain,and leave it without caring,to leave your account without any response not to log in after creating account leave it same condition bring about the problem of logging in your account,best way is to continue your account gives the benefit you instant log in your account,two or three time in a week you are advised to contact your account by log in your account,to leave an account without use bring about the failure and disability of an account.

Now the solution of your problem is to seek a message box in to your account site write down all necessary details related to your account and submit all information in the shape of a message ,it will be a most useful and beneficial way for you ,your account will be enable by accepting your message,and through an email you will be directed to instant log in your account.

Some reasons more are working in this connection,one is that if you share another account in to your said account Profile ,some of Account Service Provider do not allow to share another account with them,top transfer contacts,to add contacts with other account are not allowed on the part of some of Account Service Provider,one reason of your problem may be so .For more details it enough to understand that the Account Service |provider are performing extremely noble task for you your duty is to abide by the rules and regulation made by the ASP (ISP) ,because they are performing their duty without demanding an amount,this is the best way of service of humanity that is performed by an ASP.

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