"For a company to survive it has to have various stakeholders who submit monthly amounts of money to the company. They are more important at the begging of the company for the growth. They are also know as shareholders, When a company realizes that they are going downhill, they start selling shares to anyone who would like to invest in their company these are then called Stakeholders Shareholder's"
Actually a shareholder and a stakeholder are different. A shareholder as you explained has a share in the business however a stakeholder is any party that affects or is affected by the businesses actions
Who are we working for. If it is the stakeholder, and I believe that it is, maybe it might be important to determine what their interests are and how we can best provide for them. Is this not the premise upon what business is about?
Connected Stakeholder are directly connected with business organisations.
A stakeholder is any person who affects or is affected by the activities of an organisation. A claim is the outcome that the stakeholder seeks or the outcome which would benefit the stakeholder most or harm it least
A stakeholder is an individual or group of people who have an interest in a business. Some stakeholders are stockholders, employees, customers, the community or society in which the company operates, etc. Sometimes, even the government can be a stakeholder. Anyone that has a "stake" in the company is a stakeholder basically.
A stakeholder is someone who has an interest in a business. The government is interested in businesses as they set out the regulations and need the businesses to do well to kepp the economy healthy.
why is a business concerned with stakeholder other than the owner
Owner and customer
An internal stakeholder are those from within the business e.g. managers and staff
a stakeholder holds part ownership of the business. Therefore in all ways he does affect the business. in making decisions can affect the business operations. also in part of contributing the capital, this can lead either the business to gain enough or little capital and hence further affect the kind of business transaction to be carried out due to the capital collected.