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Either you forgot it, or somebody has changed it. Try repair your account through "forgot password?" If it did not work, you have to contact Facebook administrators to return your account after it was stolen.

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Q: Why is my password not working for my Facebook account?
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How do you bypass a password for Facebook account?

You cannot bypass a password for a Facebook account. When you create an account with Facebook, you are required to come up with a username and password which you will use each time you log in to Facebook.

How do you change password on Facebook?

Answer:to change your Facebook PASSWORD .....first login your facebook account..Then follow these steps:account[from the top menubar]-->account settings-->password-->change

How do you freeze in Facebook?

This guy can help you to hack into someones Facebook account password, hack Email password for FREE. You just need to enter the Facebook email address you want to hack into the said site, and click the 'Hack' button - 10 minutes later you will get the password hacked, which is the working password that the account owner is currently using. All hacking process is online, instant and very fast, and the most value is: the Facebook hacking is totally FREE. Visit the site: . It help you to hack into someones Facebook account password, hack Email password for FREE.

How do you change your password on Facebook?

what you do is go to the right corner were it says account and press it then go down to account setting and press password. you will have to now your old password to be able to make a new password. that is how you change you password on facebook!

How can you access my facebook account?

We cannot without your account name and password.

Somebody has changed your Facebook password and email account how do you get back on to your Facebook to chat to your frinds?

You can make a new account or go 2 facebook type in ur username click on forgot password and a new password will be sent to your email.

Where's my Facebook?

First, navigate to Facebook's website. Then, type in your email address and password associated with your account. If you don't recall your password, there is a forgot your password option. You can also create an account from the homepage.

How can you changed your password on my facebook?

Log In Your Account, Then Go To Setting, Then Change Your Password !

Can you find facebook password free of cost online?

You create your password when you create your account. It is free to create an account.

What is the passwored for Facebook?

You will have to first sign up for a facebook account and decide on your password yourself.

How can you recover your password for Facebook?

I was unable to recover my Facebook account because I forgot my password, and I was told to meet Jackmouse02@gmailcom. this person was able to recover my Facebook account.

Can you get a Facebook when your 10?

Anyone can have a facebook account. All you need is an email and a password you can remember.