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For the moment not all cars are equipped with GPS in Europe and other world. The technology used more in professional applications and by enthusiasts playing "geocaching" hiding some small things and publishing the coordinates. The GPS chip is getting cheaper and smaller. Soon it will be possible to install one in every cellular phone to be able to use it in the navigation. So it is still something new and not so widely used.

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Q: Why is gps considered a innovation?
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Light bulb is generally considered to be the symbol for innovation. It indicates the sudden though of an idea or creation.

Example of innovation?

There are hundreds of examples of innovation in the modern world. The new touch-screen design is considered innovative for example.

Is gps masculine or feminine in french?

In French, "GPS" (Global Positioning System) is considered masculine. It would be used with masculine articles such as "le" (the) or "un" (a/an).

Which car GPS has the best track record?

The Garmin Nuvi 880 is widely considered to be the best automotive GPS on the market at this time.

Is a gps considered a portable electronic device?

A hand held GPS is certainly a portable electronic device.

Is Garmin GPS Marine considered a reputable GPS system?

Most Garmin are highly reputable. The Garmin GPS Marine is on most top ten list.Most Garmin are highly reputable. The Garmin GPS Marine is on most top ten list

If law enforcement installs a GPS tracker on your car is the tracker considered a gift?


What is meant by creativity and innovation?

Creativity and innovation is the act of thinking differently and uniquely. People who are creative and innovative are able to think for themselves and think in a way that is considered to be 'out of the box'.

What do you consider a cheap gps system?

A cheap gps system would be one that only gives you routes to the place you are looking for. Price wise any gps system under one hundred dollars is considered cheap.