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Q: Why is encryption available in the NTFS file system and not in the FAT32 file system?
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Does fat32 support encryption?

No NTFS is the only file system capable of encryption

What attributes are available in the NTFS file system that are not available in FAT and FAT32?

NTFS has many more attributes available, over 32,000 possible.

Why is an NTFS partition more secure than a FAT32?

The NTFS file system proves to be secure than FAT32 since it can alert users about security issues on identifying them. At the same time, it provides encryption options and other permission settings.

Which system supports the most storage capacity the FAT32 and NTFS?

NTFS provides greater security and supports more storage capacity than the FAT32

Why do routers with usb access use fat32 and not ntfs?

FAT32 can be used by more operating systems then NTFS. In order to use NTFS the computer must be formatted with the NTFS file system. NTFS systems are able to read both NTFS and FAT32. FAT32 systems cannot read NTFS.

Can you convert FAT32 to NTFS with Data?

yes But conversion from NTFS to FAT32 is not possible. One has to delete the partition and recreate FAT32 partition . Data will be lost in the process.

An optional file system for windows NT 2000 and xp OS its is more advanced file system compared to FAT32?

NTFS is the file system that windows XP uses; I know that much. NTFS can handle bigger files than FAT32. FAT32 can handle 2GB files maximum. (So I'm told)

What are the difference between Windows 2000 and Windows NT?

Win2K is based on the same file system called as NTFS as of NT. But Win2K can also be set up using FAT32 file system a predecessor of NTFS. NTFS allows us to use long file names and is much faster than FAT32 file system.

How do you change back to fat32 from ntfs if fat32 is not an option on the computer?


What is the difference between NTFS and FAT32?

A computer filing system is how your computer manages the information that is stored on its hard drive. The most common Windows filing systems are the FAT16, FAT32 and the NTFS filing systems. The FAT32 is the universally standard system because can be used by more versions of Windows than the others. FAT32 filing system is the system used on older Microsoft Windows systems including Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows Me. The name FAT32 describes how data is stored on the hard drive, in 32 bit chunks. A FAT32 filing system can be installed, but is not recommended, on Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003. The FAT 32 filing system is superior to the older FAT16 system in that it supports disk partitions as large as two terabytes (2,048 gigabytes), whereas FAT16 only supports two gigabytes. However, FAT 32 also has limitations. The FAT32 system does not allow disk compression using DriveSpace, it is not compatible with older disk management software and it runs a bit slower that FAT 16. While the Windows XP, 2000 and 2003 can support the FAT32 system, it is recommended they run an NTFS (new technology file system) because it is a can handle more functions that the FAT32, including the capacity to support Unicode file names, proper security, compression and encryption. The NTFS system is supported by the windows nt, 2000, XP and Vista and 7, and is able to handle much more memory than either the FAT16 or FAT32 systems. The NTFS also allows computers to more efficiently use the space available to store information on their hard drive, provides a better system of cataloging files on your hard drive for better and faster retrieval, and provides better methods for executing basic file operations such as delete, copy and rename.

Why does Windows 98 use FAT32 while Windows XP uses NTFS?

NTFS is a journaling file system, designed primarily for scalability and security. FAT32 is used in Windows 98 because Windows 98 requires MS-DOS to boot, and it would have been very difficult to port MS-DOS to boot off of an NTFS partition. Also, FAT32 has better performance on older computers and smaller hard drives. By the time Windows XP came out, computers were more powerful, and NTFS would actually perform better than FAT32 on the hard drives that were available by this time.

What are two files systems used by hard drives?

NTFS (New Technology File System) FAT (File Allocation Table)