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This word is derived from an old English word 'kindelen' referring to the young of some animals such as kittens and rabbits. An even older word 'gncynd' also refers to these offspring

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Q: Why is a litter of kittens called kindle?
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What is the collective noun for kittens?

The collective noun for kittens and puppies is a litter of kittens and a litter of puppies.

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What group ofkittens called?

A group of kittens is called a kindle or litter (group of young cats born to one female).

What is the collective nouns for group of kittens?

The collective nouns for kittens are:a kendle of kittensa kindle of kittensan intrigue of kittensa litter of kittens (if they were born together)

A cat having a litter of kittens is an example of what?

A cat having a litter of kittens is an example of reproduction in animals, specifically in mammals. It is a biological process where offspring are produced by parents through sexual reproduction.

What is the collective for kittens?

The collective nouns for kittens are:a kendle of kittensa kindle of kittensan intrigue of kittensa litter of kittens (if they were born together)

A group of kittens?

A group of kittens is called a kindle.

What is a group of newborn kittens called?

they are babies so they are kittens

What is a Kindle of kittens?

A kindle of kittens is the proper word for a group of kittens

What are a lot of kittens called?

A litter of cats.

How many cats make a clowder?

The term "litter" is the most widely used name for a group of kittens born to the same mother. Another term used for a litter of newborn kittens is a kindle.

What is the group of cats called?

A clowder. A group of kittens is called a kindle.