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Both, depending upon it use. An analog camera (like an old Polaroid) is strictly an output device only. However the new digital cameras can act as motion detectors and other types of security related devices with the ability to programmaticly interact with its environment - in this regard the camera is both an input device as well as an output device.


Additionally, any camera with a digital format can act effectively as an input device, if it connects to the computer via USB. (You can upload pictures directly to the PC, thus input)

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15y ago

Camera's are a dual purpose device. They allow you to take pictures (input) and display them (output). No camera is solely a output device.

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Q: Why is a TV screen a output device?
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Is a touch screen a input or a output device?

input, because your giving the computer information an lcd screen or TV is an out put device because its giving info to you through via visuals.

A touch screen is an example of what device?

A touch screen is both an input device (on account of its touch-sensitive sensors) and an output device (because it is also a screen).

Is a Visual Display unit a input or a output?

Its an output device. By visual display unit I assume you're referring to one of the following: a tv, a computer monitor or a laptop screen. All 3 are output devices. The difference b/w an input and an output device is simply user input. An input device receives input from a user, an output device does not. A mouse (receives user clicks), A microphone (receives user audio), a keyboard are input devices.

Why can a camera be an Input and output device?

A camera is an input device. The information recorded can be displayed on an output device such as a screen. The screen may be a part of the camera body.

Is a Touch screen a input output or storage device?

Touch screen is an input device.

Is a touchscreen an input or output device?

It is both. The output device shows you images on the screen, while the input device allows you to interact with objects on the screen (e.g., touch the screen to select an option).

Why are screen output device?

you can watch everything

What is a output device output device?

something that outputs something Screen printer Speakers Projector ect

A touch Screen is an out put device?

A touch screen is both input and output. The touch sensor is input, the display screen is output.

What device displays computer output on a screen?

If you are talking about the thing that looks like a tv, its called a monitor. If you are talking about something else, you will need to be more specific

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What is a visual display unit?

Visual display unit is the British term for visual display. Basically, this refers to the output of an electronic device through a screen or monitor. A TV screen and a monitor of a desktop computer are both visual display units.