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PHP is a cross platform programming language, it is (in theory) available on any operating system.

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Q: Why is PHP in Linux?
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Can you run PHP on Linux?

Yes. Many popular websites run PHP on Linux.

What is lamp in php?

LAMP stands for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. In simpler terms it contains everything to build a php application on a linux platform.

Is PHP runable in Linux?

PHP can run on any major operating system just like java as long as you have an interpreter. Try installing a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) server & you should be able to run php on your pc/server. There are some IDE's which would allow php development on linux os

Can you run PHP and MySQL on Linux?


How do you find the PHP version in Linux?

In terminal use the following command. php -ver

How i can begin php in Linux?

PHP on windows runs using the WAMP Server while on Linux it runs using the LAMP Server. Try getting a LAMP Server from a search engine

Is PHP better on Windows or Linux?

PHP with Linux is completely different, since everything is free (Linux, Apache, Mysql, FileZila, PHP, etc.). Linux is also way more stable for production use, since it's regularly updated (at least once a months, for certain distribution). Remember, the Internet runs on Linux, mostly CentOS and RedHat.However, windows is way more compatible with everyday applications. The best would be to have a development computer running Linux (buy an old, use computer, install Linux on it), and have an everyday Windows computer.

Will PHP code developed on Windows work on an Apache server on Linux?

Generally speaking, yes. There are certain extensions to PHP one could install on Windows that would provide functions that aren't present on Linux.

What is a good server for PHP language?

The best server yet for php serving is Apache, as PHP and Apache work closely together. The MySQL community database is a good server for PHP applications, this is why we talk about w/xamp servers, Windows/Linux Apache MySQL PHP servers.

What is the difference between net and php?

.net is a framework based on Microsoft software and is not open source, php is a language which is open source and based on Linux/unix systems

You have Linux server with PHP MySQL running on it can you shift entire setup on Windows since there are speed related issue on Linux server?

yes you can if you have the same php and mysql version on the windows machine just take a copy of the files and do a mysql db backup and move it. but if your haveing speed issues with Linux youll get worse on windows. yes you can if you have the same php and mysql version on the windows machine just take a copy of the files and do a mysql db backup and move it. but if your haveing speed issues with Linux youll get worse on windows.

How can you execute a PHP script using command line?

2 Methods: 1. You execute your php binary (in linux, make sure you have php-cli installed) and pass the script as an argument. EG ($: /usr/bin/php /home/user/script.php) 2. A sh'bang in the first line of your script, with the full path of your php executable: #!/usr/bin/php -q <?php ScriptStuff(); ?>