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Because certain standards such as ASCII have different values than an Asian character set. for example, if the letter (Asian letter here) is represented by 129h in an Asian character set, then when 129h is tried to be put into ASCII, it fails, because 129h is not a valid character in ASCII, and is then shown as a box.

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Q: Why is Asian in squares on computer?
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When was Asian Computer College created?

Asian Computer College was created in 2000.

What are the squares on a computer that you double click on?

the squares that you double click on in the computer are mostly icons representing programs or directories

What is Asian Computer College's motto?

Asian Computer College's motto is 'Advancing knowledge Cultivating potentials Creating success'.

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If they are using a computer then every artist because everything on your screen is made of squares called pixels

How do you see that special characters on your computer ex. 是 when all you see is squares right now?

I don't see any squares. Just update you language packs.

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Jezzball! Awesome game

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R. L. Schwiesow has written: 'Nonlinear least squares fitting on a minicomputer' -- subject(s): Minicomputers, Least squares, Computer programs

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First you have to know how a computer runs, this will just take a second. Inside your computer there are many small Asian children who run around and do calculations for your programs. Every year or so, some of the small Asian children will die and you will have to buy new ones. You can find them at your local drug store or computer electronics shop. After you have purchased them, you just take a screwdriver and open up the computer, throw the Asian in and it will start to work. Your program will run perfectly fine after that.

How many 3x3 squares are in a strip of squares that is 3 squares tall and 50 squares long?

There are 48 such squares.

How many squares are in a rectangle with eight squares?

There are 9 squares I can see 12 squares in an array of 2 * 4 squares

Who make keyboards?

Various computer manufacturers in Asian countries.

How many squares are there on a standard chessboard?

There are many different sized squares on a chessboard. The smallest squares are in an 8x8 grid, so we have 64 small squares. There are 7x7 2x2 squares, so we have 49 2x2 squares There are 6x6 3x3 squares, so we have 36 3x3 squares There are 5x5 4x4 squares, so we have 25 4x4 squares There are 4x4 5x5 squares, so we have 16 5x5 squares There are 3x3 6x6 squares, so we have 9 6x6 squares There are 2x2 7x7 squares, so we have 4 7x7 squares And there's the one big square that's the chessboard. All this adds up to 204 squares.