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Q: Why does the switch respond with startup-config is not present?
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When the teacher calls roll respond with adsum.?

Absent is NOT the answer. The correct answer is "Present, here." A+

Can you use respond and responded in a sentence interchangeably?

No, respond means in the present, now or in the future; responded means in the past, previously: I have that information and can respond to the inquiry. I will respond to your inquiry as soon as I can. I responded to the inquiry last week.

Say in past tense?

I will only respond in the present tense.

How do you open your garage door when the remote will not respond?

There should be an override switch inside the garage.

Why does the left rear electric door on my 2000 windstar sel respond to inner door switch some times but not all the time?

Probably dirty contacts in the switch.

What would cause both fog lights not to work on '99 Beetle already checked fuse?

Pull out slightly on the headlight switch. If the fog lights do not respond you need to replace the switch.

How do you present your music to a record studio?

You should really present your music to a record label first, not a studio. If you wish to present is to a record label you can always mail a CD with your songs to them and sometimes they do respond back.

How do antibiotics respond to your body?

Antibiotics respond to infection in your body by going directly to the site of infection and killing the harmful bacteria that are present. Penicillin is one of the most popular types of antibiotic.

What is noun for responding?

The word 'responding' is a noun form, a gerund, the present participle of the verb to respond that functions as a noun.The noun forms of the verb to respond are responder, response, and the gerund, responding.

How do you detect a bad dimmer switch?

You can detect a bad dimmer switch by checking for flickering or flashing lights, overheating of the switch, buzzing or humming noises when the switch is in use, or if the lights don't respond consistently to the dimming adjustments. If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to replace the dimmer switch.

Can you get electrocuted if the switch is off but the breaker is on?

Yes you can. The proper wiring of a switch is to bring the hot wire to the top of the switch terminal and connect the load to the bottom of the switch. When the breaker is turned off it disconnects the voltage from the top of the switch and the switch is then safe to work on. By not turning the breaker off, the voltage is present at the top of the switch which could subject you to a nasty shock if you come into contact with it.

What is it called when a poet directly addresses a person or thing that cannot respond?

That is called an apostrophe in poetry, when the poet addresses someone or something that is not present or able to respond, such as an idea, an object, or a deity.