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'C: Windows: System32' is the default location of 'cmd'.

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Q: Why does cmd open as cwindowssystem32?
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How do you unblock the cmd at school?

open notepad type in command save as cmd.bat save in documents open cmd.bat there you go CMD!

How do you find out if your computer has java?

Open cmd and type java

When you transfer an Adobe Illustrator CS5 file to a lower version like Illustrator CS4 and everything is grouped together and you cant ungroup it what do you do?

Open it up, Crl-A or Cmd-A, Ctl-C Or Cmd-C, open up a new file, and Ctl-V or Cmd-v Done

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How do you enable cmd?

If you cannot open cmd from the start menu try opening the start menu and entering "RUN" from there type "cmd" and try run that. If you are part of a network and you dont have rights to open it try opening a text editor and typing in "start" save it. Change the name to something like mycmd.bat and run that...

How do you trace mac address on network?

Open cmd, type "getmac" or "ipconfig /all"

How do you restore hidden files?

To restore hidden files on drive, open CMD. To open cmd, tap and hold "windows button" and hit "r". Type "CMD" [without quotes]. Then find the prefix of the drive you want to restore (e.g. C: ; D: ; F: ; etc.). Now type the prefix to the cmd. Hit enter. Then type [attrib -s -h /s /d *.*] (without brackets). Wait for the prompt to finish.

What is the abbreviation for cmd?

CMD stands for Comand Prompt. It is a program found in Microsoft Windows, and can do many things. Command Prompt can be a stand-alone program, or open the .bat file type.

Try holding the cmd+?

Try holding the cmd+alt keys when opening iPhoto, this should open a dialog box for repairing your library database. Let me know if this solves your issue!

How to open command prompt?

If your using vista or windows 7 click start and type "cmd"

Is there a control f on Macs?

On a Mac most "control" type instructions are replaced by the Command (cmd) key next to the Space Bar. So Ctrl F becomes Cmd F. In the Safari browser, for example, this will open a small search box at the top of the page. Using the Alt key (next to the Cmd key) and the Cmd and F keys will jump you back to the Google search box. In most Mac software Cmd F will open some form of search option and can usually be accessed from the Find menu item which is often to be found in the Edit menu.

How can you open the command line using the search field on the start menu of windows?

Yes, just search up 'cmd' (without the apostrophe's), and it should find a program called 'cmd'. This is the command line! =)