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Your question is very vague/ not clear, when you click on a file / picture, video, email, or any related file they all have one thing in common they all have a file extention as in WORD.EXE . When you click on the word progran it will open word and any other parts of the progran reguired in order for you to use the program. Same with opening a video file , it might have a mpg, mov, avi, or like extention but all are video related extentions. You can't play an AVI video using a MOV program , each program uses it's own set of rules running a program as in Apples quicktime opens AVI video files and Outletlook express opens/ starts the Email program. By the way you can rename almost ANY file to whatever you want as long as you LEAVE THE 3 letter extention the same. you can name a file 000 if you don't change the extention. Try and be more clear in what your asking.


chet is a idiot dont listen to him he has no idea what the event viewer is for basically to simplify this answer the event veiw shows 4 of the 5 W's

tells WHO is in WHAT they are accessing WHEN then are accessing it and WHERE they accessed it from

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Because Tacos are Green.

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