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Q: Why does a top window in the greenhouse open when it iis cold outside?
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Can you have a window to do?

You can open the window, and look outside.

If it is hot inside and cold outside what happens if you open a window?

Well what if it is really cold outside and hot inside what will happen then, did you think of that? hot and cold it only your opinion because it think 10000 degrees is cold and -1383 degrees is hot

How do you paint your nails without your parents knowing?

Open a window or paint them outside.

Why can't you open a window on a plane?

The pressure is much less outside the plane and opening the window would cause a rapid movement from high pressure inside to low pressure outside and suck things out of the plane window.

How do I safely replace my window with an awning window?

If you take care to order a window with the correct fit you should be able to install it safely. Make sure that there is room on the outside of your window for it to open.

Casement windows do not have?

Casement windows do not have a means to open the window by moving the bottom part of the window straight up. Casement windows open by the means of a hinge and they swing open to the inside or outside depending on the type of window. Casement windows can swing open from the top or the side also.

Does bedroom window have to be able to open?

An open window is a healthy window. An open window can also be used as a fire escape, or to shout at small slugs on the lawn. I would recommend a open window, however it would be wise to shut it on a cold frosty night. I learnt this after getting pecked by an eagle named Larry. I named him Larry. Have fun with your dear window, From your Penpal Susan. I am a keen window inspector who works for myself.

How do you remove the t tops from the outside?

You don't. Unless the window is open. Then you can stick your hand in and do the mechanism.

How do I find the lever in my car to open it from outside?

usually on the rh side of door below the window

How much heat is lost through an open window?

The amount of heat lost through an open window depends on factors like the temperature difference between inside and outside, the size of the window, the duration it's left open, and insulation quality. In general, significant heat loss can occur through an open window, increasing heating costs and making the indoor environment less comfortable.

How do you keep cat from sneaking outside?

You have to find out how they're sneaking out. It can be from the window and you can fix the window with new screening. Or if it's by the door, just be cautious when you open it.

Will sleeping with an open window give me neck pain?

Sleeping with an open window is unlikely to directly cause neck pain. However, cold drafts or improper head and neck support while sleeping could potentially lead to stiffness or discomfort that may contribute to neck pain. It's essential to maintain a comfortable sleeping environment and proper sleep posture to prevent any issues.