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Could be multiple things Inproper posture, sleeping positions, injury, work-related(heavy lifting), nerves

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Maybe you bonked your head, or if it's more like a head ache, you probably slept on your neck wrong. If so, a Chiropractic Doctor could help you.

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Q: Why do the nerves on the back of my head hurt?
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Why does the back of your head hurt when you turn your head to the left or right?

It doesnt hurt

Why pulling hair out of head is hurt but not cutting?

If you pull a hair, you pull it from your skin, where nerves are located - nerves make you feel pain. On the other hand, hair itself doesn't have nerves

Where are the occipital nerves located?

The occipital nerves are located at the base of the skull, near the occipital bone. They are a pair of nerves that provide sensory innervation to the back of the head and the scalp.

Why does my head hurt if i draw for a long time?

Focusing your eyes on the paper for an extended period of time can strain your optic muscles and nerves, causing headaches or soreness of the head.

Does your hair have nerves?

no your hair does not have nerves or it would hurt to get a haircut

How do you hurt and feel like it hurts?

You hurt yourself (or someone else hurts you) and the nerves pass the information to your brain, explaining you should be hurting, then the brain sends back pain through the nerves the the hurt area, making you feel the pain. It's a less than a second process.

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What does it mean when the back of your head start to hurt?

You could have a concussion if you've fallen and the back of your head starts to hurt. You need to see a doctor right away under this situation. The back of your head could hurt due to a recent fall and the on set of a concussion. If you've fallen recently it's best to see a doctor.

Why does the cold make your head hurt?

When something very cold touches the center of the palate, the cold temperature can set off certain nerves that control how much blood flows to your head. The nerves respond by causing the blood vessels in the head to swell up. This quick swelling of the blood vessels is what causes your head to pound and hurt. Some people call this a "brain freeze," even though nothing is really happening in the brain - it's all in the blood vessels of the head.

Why does cuts hurt?

because you have filling in your nerves

Why do hair cuts do not hurt?

Pain comes from your nerves being damaged in some way. Your hair does not have any nerves in it, so cutting it doesn't hurt.

Did the undertaker retire?

he hurt his head at wrestlemania 25 he will always come back.........