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why doese rules exist

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They are not fair

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Q: Why do rules exist?
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Delete commas, that are, not nessecary

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Why do rules and regulation exist?

They exist to provide order and consistency to something, such as a sport. Without regulations and rules, everyone would be confused and acting differently than those around them. Thereby causing chaos.

What are the five integer rules?

I am not at all sure that there are any rules that apply to integers in isolation. Any rules that exist are in the context of binary operations like addition or multiplication of integers.

How soon could you taste the salt?

This depends on yours preferences; any rules exist.

What are some rules and regulations in Belgium?

There are a number of rules and regulations that exist in Belgium. Rules in regards to traveling, customs, and driving are prevalent. For example, a person must be at least 18 to drive in the country.

Why there is rules in a country?

With no rules there would be anarchy. Society has to exist with guidelines. Without guidelines, people would not recognize their boundaries with other people. Rules are what provides order in a country, that's why it needs them.

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Or even three. Actually, pseudo-code has no rules.

Does a video game with no rules exist?

Yes there are several games, they are usually called sandbox games

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What are the rules for dbms to become rdbms?

If a dbms follows more than 7 codes rules than it become follows 10 rules which is considered as ideal rdbms exist till now which follows all the 12 codes rules.

Why acid and salts are prohibited in the plane?

For each chemical compound exist special rules for air transport because some are dangerous.for safety purpose