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my mouse doesn't react when I put my hand in her cage, but she jumps when I touch her. I think she's blind. she also doesn't climb. ever. Which makes me think that she might not be able to see where she's going. she advances very cautiously, taking slow steps, and sniffs everything. any advice?

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Mollie Hamel

Lvl 2
1y ago
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9y ago

Generally, blind mice have white or very cloudy eyes. Blind mice can lead wonderful lives with a little work on the owner's part.

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15y ago

mice dont have bad eyesight. the only thing that bad about there eyesight is that they are color blind. which means they only see black and white. hope this information helps you!

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14y ago

People do not think mice are generally blind. The blind mice where the three in the nursery rhyme, "Three Blind Mice."

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15y ago

are mice blind

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How much blind mice are there?

3. There are three blind mice.

Why are blind mice blind?

how are mice blind.......The same way that humans are. plus it depends on age and breed

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The cat was the killer in Three blind mice

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"Three blind mice, see how they run", which is a line from a children's song.

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Three Blind Mice - album - was created in 1961.

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3 blind mice, 3 blind mice, see how they run, see how they run. they all run after the farmers wife, have you ever seen such a thing in your life? as 3 blind mice, 3 blind mice

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What do mice think?

Cheese! That is what alot of people think. But no.

What are the ratings and certificates for Three Blind Mice - 2008?

Three Blind Mice - 2008 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:M

How many mouse were blind and went up the clock?

I think you may have two different childhood songs here. There were THREE blind mice; but they didn't go "up the clock". There was ONE mouse that went up the clock; but he wasn't blind. I include the words to both songs below to help you pick the best answer for your question: THREE BLIND MICE "Three blind mice, three blind mice, See how they run, see how they run. They all ran after the farmer's wife. She cut their tails off with a carving knife. Have you ever seen such a sight in your life As three blind mice, three blind mice." HICKORY DICKORY DOCK "Hickory dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck 1:00, The mouse ran down, Hickory dickory dock."

Who wrote the Three Blind Mice poem?

It is said that Thomas Ravenscroft wrote Three Blind Mice