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Q: Why do electrical designers use cad?
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Why don't fashion designers need CAD as much as interior designers do?

Fashion designers typically design clothing, and interior designers work on buildings. CAD is more conducive to building design. whereas fashion designers often use live models to design and display their work.

How and why you use CAD system?

CAD (Computer Aided Design) is a very useful tool to designers of all kinds of products. A CAD program allows the user to easily change aspects of a design swiftly - without (for example) having to remake a prototype.

What is one result of computers that the designers probably did not predict?

Probably they didn't predict the use of CAD computer-aided design.

What Three dimensional programs allow designers to rotate designs of 3D objects to view them from any angle?


Who uses cad's?

I do!

Where is Best electrical auto cad training institute in Bangalore?

well if you need to use CAD u are not a true electrical engineer. so i say learn to be a good engineer for starters mate... Do something useful with your life like be a hairdresser

Who uses CAD systems and why?

Mechanical, electrical/electronic and building Engineers are the foremost users of CAD software.

What are the different types of CAD?

Mainly types of CAD are 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional On the basis of CAD fields there are different types like Civil CAD, Electrical CAD, Mechanical CAD, Interior CAD, Architecture CAD etc. For more details, visit :

What is electrical auto cad 2006?

It is a 2006 version of Autodesk's CAD program called AutoCAD that is "an application built specifically to create and modify electrical controls designs."

How do you use cad in a sentence?

i use cad on the computer dummies

What software are required for electrical engineers?

One software I know is Auto-cad, which is needed for electrical Drawing.