

Why do a lawyer need the computer?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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12y ago

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A lawyer does not need a computer. However, it would help them keep organized, find information, and communicate.

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You'll need to see a lawyer to do this.

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All you need is your brain.You need a computer with a great program and access to legal case law data.

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No we......we need a lawyer to file a will

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You do not need a lawyer if you are filing individually. If you are filing for bankrupcty and you are in a corporation or in a partnership with someone, a case needs to be created, so you would need a lawyer.

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A lawyer that deals with cyber vandalism, piracy, network intrusion, and identity theft have usually studied computer law. These types of lawyers usually have a degree in computer science.

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The lawyer will answer your questions if you need them answered.

What is the Firm?

A Firm is a lawyer's office where you can go if you need a lawyer.

What kind of lawyers do rich people have?

The kind of lawyers rich people have depend on what they need the lawyer for. If they need a lawyer for their business, they would have a corporate lawyer. If they need one for buying and selling property, they would have a real estate lawyer. If they have committed a crime, they would have a criminal lawyer.