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Q: Why did Niki de Saint Phalle make Nana's?
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What inspired Niki de Saint Phalle to make the tarot garden?

She was heavily influenced byGaudi's Parc Guell in Barcelona and so Niki de Saint Phalle decided that she wanted to make something similar: a monumental sculpture park created by a woman.

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$8.5 million a year.

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July 7 2012 yup in ur face niki yes I did

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There is a Saint Therese and several saints named Teresa but no saint named Theresa.

What did Saint Mary do to make her a saint?

Mary consented to become the mother of God.

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There are several saints named Francis. You need to be specific.

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St. Matthew is the patron saint of accountants and that is the best match we can make.

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Saint Gabriel is an angel, a pure spirit, and is neither make or female.

How did the people make Saint Francis a saint?

There are a number of saints named Francis. Please be specific.

Who is the Saint Mary asked to make the miraculous medal?

Sister (now Saint) Catherine Laboure.

Who is the saint of relationships?

There is no patron saint of relationships. However, St. Valentine of Rome is a patron saint of couples. He might make a good starting point.