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Q: Why circuit switching is not suitable for data communications?
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Data transfer will be faster in circuit switching or packet switching?

Data transfer will be faster in packet switching providing the setup time in circuit switching is greater than the time required to send a packet. If not, that is setup time in circuit switching takes less time, then circuit switching is quicker.

How many type of switching in telephony?

Circuit switching and Packet switching are used in Telephony. Circuit switching is used in voice communication and packet switching is used in transmission of data packets to provide internet connection.

What is the H-channel used for in the ISDN network?

carrying user voice and data circuit switching packet switching

Why packet switching method is used for digital data communication between computers?

Packet switching has two advantages: (1) If something goes wrong, only a small piece of data (the packet) has to be resent. (2) Packet switching allows multiplexing - several communications happening at once.Packet switching has two advantages: (1) If something goes wrong, only a small piece of data (the packet) has to be resent. (2) Packet switching allows multiplexing - several communications happening at once.Packet switching has two advantages: (1) If something goes wrong, only a small piece of data (the packet) has to be resent. (2) Packet switching allows multiplexing - several communications happening at once.Packet switching has two advantages: (1) If something goes wrong, only a small piece of data (the packet) has to be resent. (2) Packet switching allows multiplexing - several communications happening at once.

What is the predominant technique used to send data on digital networks?

circuit switching.

The telephone system uses packet-switching technology where as the Internet uses circuit-switching technology?

telephone system uses packet switching because packet switching is reiable. In a packet switching when a packet(some part of total information) is lost then the packet can be retransmitted. But in case of circuit switching if any part of data is lost anytime then total data will be retransmitted. Again circuit swithing is more speedy with compare to packet switching.In order to increase the bit rate (more speed) circuit switch is prefered in Internet.

Reffered Dividing data into small pieces to send them over the Internet and then reassembling them?

Circuit switching

What problems of circuit switching is packet switching designed to overcome?

1. Using an idle line to transfer data. 2.The constant transmission date rate. 3.Lose or block of data.

What are the disadvantages of circuit switching?

The major disadvantage in using packet switching is that it takes longer than other methods to transfer data. In most cases this will be fairly insignificant but it can be a factor when dealing with real-time video and require additional technology to obtain the required quality. With most alpha and numeric data, packet switching is a perfectly suitable way of transferring data quickly and safely with minimum risk.

Is the communications methodology where data is broken into smaller chunks to be sent over various routes at the same time?

Packet Switching

What three terms are associated with ISDN PRI?

circuit switching data bearer channel time-division multiplexing

What is difference between circuit switching and message switching?

1.circuit switching statically reserves the required bandwidth in advance whereas packet switching acquires & releases it as it is needed. 2.With circuit switching any unsed bandwidth on a allocated circuit is just waisted.with packet switching it may be utilised by other packets . 3.Circuit switching needs to set up an end to end path before any data can be sent. 4.When packet switching is used it is straight forward for router to provide speed and code conversion. 5.In packet switching packet may be delivered in the wrong order. 6Packet carriers usually base theier charge on both the no. of bytes(or packets carried and connect time. 7.with circuit switching, the charge is based on the distance and time only, not the traffic.