Either you are using the wrong program or they are corrupted files.
Make sure you have the latest version of JRE installed. If not, visit: http://java.com/en/download/ If this still doesn't seem to work for you, try running the website using Mozilla Firefox. Mozilla Firefox can be downloaded for free from here: www.mozilla.com
If you mean the .torrent files, then they can be deleted by deleting your internet cache or simply deleting them IF you downloaded them (I like to Open them so they save to my internet cache) Or if you mean the files you downloaded, you can open/watch/listen to it and then you can easily delete it from utorrent by deleting both files (Torrent + the files (cant remember exact)).
if u have mozilla firefox then there is a add on where you can put a replay button if u dont have firefox then u cant put an instant replay EDIT : Just change the word "youtube" to "vidtunez in order to repeat youtube and download it if you want
Yes its icon is a ring. if you cant find it it should be in the files. if you downloaded it. hope this helped
Hi if you want to make a bobba you need to make sure that you have firefox (mozilla) and you need to check if the server is ONLINE also make sure that the website isn't going through maintenance
Use 7zip or something similar to extract it.
I installed igetter with my firefox internet browser but I cant figure what to do. Not even the very first step. I have a pc windows 7. can you please help me in this which I'm sure must be very elementary. thanks, phil
You didnt give much detail about the problem but maybe you should go back to the website that you downloaded it from and re-download it, or look through your sims 2 files for what ever it is.
you cant
If You Cant Make Another acct this is probably because of errors caused when using internet explorer. the solution is to download another compatible one like mozilla firefox. this worked for me when i had this problem and now i can make multiple accounts
you cant
It should be able to!