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Apple created Mac OS X to run on their Macintosh range of computers. The licencing agreement that you agree to when installing Mac OS X specifies that it can only be used on Apple's own hardware.

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Q: Why can't os x run on a typical PC?
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Why cant OS X run on a PC?

Technically OS X can run on a PC, and many hackers have created "cracked" versions of OS X that will run on a PC. The reason it does not is because Apple requires OS X to be run on "Apple Branded Hardware".

Why cant osx run on a typical PC?

Because Apple designed the hardware for their PCs to directly interface with the OS. However, software hackers have created a workaround, that allows you to install a copy of MacOS onto a typical PC. Google "OSX86", "iAtkOS" or "Kalyway".

Can you get Imovie on your pc?

No. It is illegal to run Hackintosh (Apple OS on PC).

Can you run mac os on your PC?

Its very hard and its illegal.

Can you run apple os on a PC?

To comply with the legal agreement you agree to when installing Mac OS X the PC needs to have been made by Apple.

Is there a legal way to run Mac OS Software on a PC?

Providing the PC has been made by Apple then it is perfectly legal to run the Mac OS on it. The legal terms and conditions for Mac OS X prevent it being used on non-Apple hardware.

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You cannot run any PC games on a Chromebook.You can only run games written for Chrome OS on a Chromebook.

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Not possible. A CPU and a motherboard are needed even in a vcr.

Why cant you download Temple Run on your Samsung Galaxy y?

You have no Android OS on your device. That is the problem.

Which OS is only used on Apple Mac computers?

Mac OS X - legally. Some people have altered the code in Mac OS X so that it can run on PC hardware (Hackint0sh)

Can a PC have 2 operating systems?

yes, the PC will have more than one OS. in my PC i have 3 OS

How do you transfer Skype over from PC to PS3?

PS3's have an alternate OS installation feature - you need to first load a compatible OS that Skype will run on, then attempt to install it afterward on the new OS.