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There is no any sure and certain way of information system which is perfect to each and every kind of organizations. Different nature of organizations has different ways of doing things and keeping the datas.As per the functions performed in organization information's are kept in different formats and order. So there are different conceptual classifications of information systems which vary as per the size, functions and structure of organization. These conceptual information systems help the management of the organization to decide about which system to follow in their organization, considering their functions, size and structure.

These concepts of information systems are scientific and systematic as well as effective to use, in order to manage the information's available in the organization for the future prospect. In real world organizations need to analyze and store data's and information in order to use them at the time of need so they typically integrate these concepts of information system in their business so as to have reliable and smooth information management system which is more favorable to their kind of organization.

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Valentina Reichel

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Q: Why are there so many conceptual classifications of information systems Why are they typically integrated in the information systems found in the real world?
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