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Q: Why are red giant stars represented well on the hr diagram?
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What are the Giant?

There are many giant stars. Some of the most well known are:AlcyoneThubanOctantisAurigaeCapellaArcturusMira

Which of these stars is a red supergiant?

A non red giant is a giant, whereas a supergiant is well a supergiant and is a lot bigger.

What is the space in space called after a star explode?

well it depends on the star. not all stars explode. small to medium sized stars just go into a planetary nebula after they swell up to a red giant then the bigger stars do explode, they have a super nova after the swell up into a super giant. but dont worry i star will not explode... its a really small star. --- nichole brooks :)

What are the difrences of a with dwarf and the giant stars?

Through a comparison of solar luminosity and temperature seen with the H-R diagram. On this diagram, stars sharing the same temperature but different luminosities show measurable differences in radius as well as mass. So if two stars both have the same visible surface temperature but one is more luminous, it has to be larger. This is further explained by Stefan Boltzmann's law,L=(4πR^2 x sigma(constant) x T^4)A Star with the the same surface temperature with larger surface area results in more Luminosity.

What are stars and where can you find them to get jirachi?

Well stars are giant balls of gas, powered by nuclear explosions. Our sun is a star >.<... Also im guessing you're trying to troll x) cause if you thought pokemon were real, then you might need a doctor.

Are giant stars hot or cool?

Giant stars are hot because they have much larger radii and surface areas compared to smaller stars, allowing more energy to be emitted. This increased surface area aids in radiating a substantial amount of heat and light, making giant stars appear brighter and hotter.

What is a hertzsprung-Russel Diagram?

see link below

When was The Well of Stars created?

The Well of Stars was created in 2004.

Is Pennsylvania represented on the American flag?

Yes, in two ways. Because it was one of the original thirteen colonies, one of the red and white stripes is for it, as well as one of the fifty stars in the blue field.

Cycle when stars at its biggest?

A red giant, when a main sequence star begins fusing helium into carbon in the star's core. When our Sun becomes a red giant, in another 4 billion years or so, it will expand to consume Mercury and Venus at least, and possibly the Earth as well.

Well labelled diagram of a dissected toad?

a fully label diagram of a toad

Why stars sparkle and moon does not?

Stars appear to sparkle because their light passes through Earth's atmosphere, causing it to shimmer and twinkle due to turbulence and temperature variations. The Moon, on the other hand, does not twinkle because it is much closer to Earth, and its light reaches us with less distortion due to its proximity.