To get the answer to this run the following:
You have invoked the following:
alter <view_name> compile;
create or replace view <view_name> as .......<view definition>
When you did one of the above you got the "failed to compile" error, this is when you run this:
show errors
Each case is different, running 'show errors' will tell you what the problem is specific to each one.
I want to know how the view is working in oracle?
There are two types of views in Oracle based upon from how many tables data are being fetched. 1. Simple view - In this view, data is coming from only one table. 2. Complex view - In this view, data comes from more than one table. That's it. However, Complex views have some limitations. For these follow Oracle documentation.
I'm not sure what you are asking about... But the point is if you have changed your project you much recompile.
SELECT, overall, I would view as most important.
ask the DBA
A DBMS snapshot in Oracle can also be referred to as a materialized view. Basically a snapshot is a refreshable view that can be refreshed on command or commit.
I know SCN_TO_TIMESTAMP(ora_rowscn). But In my case it gives invalid scn number exception. Let me know the other way.
Change to classic yahoo view. This worked for me.
Where it's not simply limiting the columns or rows from a single table. A complex view would summarize/roll-up values in a table or join multiple tables together into the view.
Do any corrections to the source code; recompile.
Decompile?! There is no such thing.
Could that be sarcasm? fasicious