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it messes it upif u havea ray tupe type

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Q: Why a magnet mess the screen of a tv or computer monitor up Is it something to do with the tube inside of it?
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How can you fix a computer monitor if there is a green shade on the screen and there no problem in the monitor?

did you put a magnet on it? usually that is the cause no

What items that can be damaged by a magnet?

Items that can be damaged by a magnet include electronic devices like laptops, smartphones, and hard drives, as the magnetic field can interfere with the delicate components inside. Magnetic storage media such as credit cards, old floppy disks, and magnetic strip cards can also be erased or compromised by strong magnets.

Is there something that you did that caused your hard drive to crash?

Downloading certain things could crash your computer, or swiping a magnet across the monitor could cause trouble, too.

What are the things that rotate inside a computer?

The main thing that rotates inside a computer is the hard drive. The hard drive is a disk that stores all your computer's information. The information is stored magnetically, this is why a magnet can be so damaging to a computer. Also, there are fans inside a computer that help cool the components.

Why the computer monitor gets coloured when a magnet is placed near it?

The colours in a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) are controlled by interior magnets. Putting a magnet on the exterior of the screen, changes the control of the interior magnets. Therefore, all the interior colours are drawn toward the exterior magnet.

When working with a computer you wear the ground straps to protect the components from what?

static, static can damage the things inside just like a magnet.

What is there inside a magnet?


Does the Xbox have magnet?

The Xbox does not have magnets inside it, however components within the consoles have. The hard drive has a magnet inside it.

What happens when you put a magnet to a phone?

What part of the computer? what kind of monitor do you have? if you stick the magnet to the screen it will appear to "kill" the colors. that's if you use an older model screen. I don't believe plasma screens will do the same thing with a magnet. the "melting" affect is like that if a pressing force on a plasma screen or a caculator screen. you can also ERASE your entire Harddrive with a powerfull enough magnet (or if it gets too close), be careful. if you have already hurt your screen with the magnet, there is a degause button in the menu of your screens settings on the monitor. if your monitor is so old that you don't have a menu, get a new monitor.

What is Something that has two poles is describes as?

A magnet. It is described as a Magnet.

How do you degauss your monitor?

You can degauss your monitor by passing a magnet across the surface. This is commonly done on CRT style monitors and is often built into most.

What is the inside of a black box?

a marble with magnet