Wikipedia uses MySQL as its database.
facebook uses "NO SQL" database "NO SQL" name is derived from first letters of NOT ONLY SQL
business database management
they use a database because it helps them count up stuff and so on!
Database system can be defined as the collection of interrelated data. Uses of database system are that it maintains data security , data integrity, data can be easily accessed and shared too.
A database consists of an organized collection of data for one or more multiple uses
Database is collection of any data or record. The database is today used in almost every field like schools, hospitals, railways etc.
layers cats dogs
The system that is used to make a deduction that is stored in the database is called deductive database. To specify queries, facts and rules it uses datalog as the typical language.
MySpace is use Microsoft SQL server 2005 for database & database server.
If your database program uses standard SQL commands, you would use the CREATE DATABASE command.