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Audra Rox

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Q: Who sings I hope my momma says yes on noggin?
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The artist that sings that song is Nellie "Tiger" Travis. Hope this helps!

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Selena Gomez sings Who Says? .

What does utom mean in igbo language?

"Utom" in Igbo language means "head." So, if someone says "utom" to you, they're probably talking about your noggin. Hope that clears things up for you, honey.

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He doesn't say momma made le verrga he says mama Mame la verga which means suck my sperm

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Usually it's "momma" and sometimes "dadda".

What song sings are you ready for this?

Selena Gomez - tell me something i don't now this is the song that says "are you ready for this". it is in the middle of the song. Hope it works for you.

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My momma says that it disturbs indigestion but what does she know? lol ;D

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Joan Osbourne sings a song that says Pensacola

From which movie is the line 'little boys who play with fire get their fingers burnt'?

Tanya says it in Momma Mia

What is a noggin in carpentry?

For instance when you get a set of plans and it says where every radiator is to you have to fit a noggin between the panels for the radiator to get fixed to. A noggin is a horizontal piece of wood in wall framing. In wall framing studs go vertically between the floor and ceiling then the noggins are horizontal pieces of wood in the gaps between the studs - usually about three rows per gap I-I-I these I's are the studs and the dashes - are the noggins or nogs as they are usually called

Who sings who says you cant go home?

Bon Jovi sings it and it sounds like the girl from Sugarland sings it too but i can't tell.

Who sings the song that says what it is yo?

Mick jagger