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Meerkat society is based on the Matriarchal type.

The reigning ruler is the most dominant female, she is generally the only one allowed to mate.

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Q: Who is the boss in the meerkat colony?
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Is there 3 bosses in a hutterite colony?

Yes there are 3, sometimes as many as 5 depending on what type of buisnesses the colony has. Being a hutterite myself i know. there is "the boss" he is in charge of all colony finaces, although each buisness manages their own money, he does the banking and accounting for all the buisness as a colony. There is also the Minister, he is in charge of making political desicions and looks after the religious side of being a hutterite. They have say over "the boss" but we call them prediger or ministers. . ususally there is also a farm boss who looks after the farming side of things, and if you have a buisness you have that boss, like hogs, or chickens or something like that, but essesially there are only three bosses on the colony, "the boss" the minister and the farm boss, each colony must have these bosses to function.

Is a meerkat a type of weasel?

No, a meerkat is not a type of weasel. A meerkat is in the mongoose family actually.

How did Stephen f Austin live?

it was rough because he was the boss of a big colony

What is a meerkat weather?

meerkat weather is sunny

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What is the Afrikaans word for meerkat?

"Graatjiemeerkat" or "meerkat"

Is it spelled meercat or meerkat?

It is spelled 'meerkat'

In lion king timon was a what?

The meerkat, the leader of the batchelor gang formed by him and the warthog Pumbaa and eventually prince Simba.

What did a meerkat evolve from?

When God made the earth he made the frist female meerkat and first male meerkat

Why is the meerkat endangered?

The meerkat is not endangered peopleloss of habit.

What are meerkat preditors?

Meerkat preditors are Ants and Butterfly