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The target market for Intel and AMD is the emerging small and medium size business providing the best and most affordable processors.

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Q: Who are the target market for Intel and AMD?
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Major competitors of Intel in CPU market?


Who is the major competitor of Intel?

The major competitor of Intel is AMD. Intel and AMD are the two most established CPU makers in the world but Intel boasts the lion's share of the market.

Which is the latest AMD and Intel processors available in market?

The latest processor made by AMD is the AMD A10-7850K. It is used in desktops and laptops. The latest processor from Intel is the Intel Core M processor.

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The main two manufacturers are INTEL and AMD. The 4th quoter results of 2008: INTEL - 80.96% AMD - 10.6%

What ways can Intel improve their market share over AMD?

Intel already has a a higher market share than AMD by a large margin. The only thing AMD is currently able to compete on is price. Intel could increase their lead over AMD by finding ways to cut production costs and pass these benefits on to consumers.

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Who is the major competitor of Intel in the processor market?

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What are opinions on Intel producing a better microprocessor than AMD?

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What are 2 main CPU manufacturers?

Intel and AMD

Can you name 5 CPU manufacturers?

Intel Corporation, Advanced Micro Devices, and Motorola Corporation.

What are the names of Intel's and AMD's budget lines of processors?

Celeron for Intel and Sempron for AMD