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Q: Who 1st invented semiconductor diode?
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Who invented the first semiconductor diode what it is called as and from which metal it is made up of?

The first modern semiconductor diode was made with germanium. These diodes were invented in ww2 for RADAR. But before that semiconductor diodes were made with galena (lead sulfide), copper oxide, and selenium. I have no idea which was "first".

What are semiconductor diode laser describe with energy band diagram the construction and working of a semiconductor diode laser?

construction and working of semiconductor laser

What is the term for an electronic component composed of two layers a semiconductor material?

An electronic component composed of two layers of a semiconductor material is a diode.

What is meant by IN4007 diode?

The 1 stands for number of semiconductor junctions The N means it's a semiconductor diode

How semiconductor diodes operates?

semiconductor diode with out a pn junction.

Which diode contains a Metal-semiconductor junction?

Schottky Diode

Which diode contains a metal oxide semiconductor junction?

Schottky diode

What are the theoritical concepts of semiconductor diode?


What materials were used when a Light -Emitting Diode when invented? and other semiconductor alloys

What semiconductor diode glows when voltage is applied?

Light Emitting Diode or LED

What is and LED?

Light-emitting diode, a semiconductor diode that glows when a voltage is applied.

Difference between gunn diode and pin diode?

gunn diode is transfered electron device & PIN diode is semiconductor device