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ROM is generally slower, but is more permanent than RAM

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I think it is ROM

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Q: Which type of storage is generally slower but is more permanent?
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Which type of storage is slower but more permanent?

Hard Drive.

Of the two types of storage in a system which type is generally faster and holds data instructions while the data is being processed Which type of storage is generally slower but more permanent?

Primary storage, called RAM memory, is temporaty one that holds data and instructions while it is processing both. And slower but more permanent is secondary storage. And those are hard drives, CD drives, DVD drives, flash drives, Zip drives and floppy drives.

Of the two types of storage in a system which type is generally faster and holds data and instructions while the data is being processed. Which type of storage is generally slower but more permanent?

Primary storage, called RAM memory, is temporaty one that holds data and instructions while it is processing both. And slower but more permanent is secondary storage. And those are hard drives, CD drives, DVD drives, flash drives, Zip drives and floppy drives.

Does the clothing affect the running speed?

Yes. Generally, the more layers, the slower.

What type of permanent storage facility usually holds more than one deceased person?

A mausoleum.

Industrial Storage Racks?

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Which type is generally faster and holds data and instructions while the data is being processed Which type of storage is generally slower but more permanent?

In a computer, there are many forms of media storage. We can catagorize them into 3 different categories - ROM (such as BIOS), RAM (memory), and Storage (flash drives, hard disk drives, etc.). Keep in mind that RAM retains information only when the power is on. ROM is usually stored in the BIOS chip. It basically gives your computer the most basic instructions to tell your computer to do a system check and boot your operating system. RAM is used by the computer to do just about everything. When your computer executes a program, for example, it loads the program into the RAM, interprets it, and runs it. It is generally faster than storage devices, but it cannot retain information once power is cut from it. Storage medium, as the name implies, for storing data. All data, programs, and files must be present on it for it to do anything useful.

Does slow driving use more fuel?

No. Slower driving generally results in better gas mileage.

Where can I find information about cloud storage?

Cloud storage involves storing data on multiple virtual servers that are generally hosted by third parties. Learn more about how cloud storage works.

What is the function of the storage?

To store any type of information. For example, any document you create on your computer has to be "saved" if you want to keep it for later. "Saving" means transferring it from short-term storage (RAM) to a more permanent storage (usually a hard disk).

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a tape?

Generally cheaper storage per dollar, however to read and write the data the reader has to read from all the way to the start of the tape to where the data is. This is much more slower than conventional hard drives found in today's typical desktop. This means, magnetic tape is better suited to longer term data storage (i.e. backups) rather than daily use

Will jail breaking your iPod hurt your iPod?

No. However, it will void your warranty unless you restore it. Also, your Wi-Fi will become slower, because more storage is needed for Cydia.