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Q: Which term describes the state of network when the demand on the network resources exceeds the available capacity?
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The ability of the environment to support the population?

The ability of the environment to support a population refers to its carrying capacity, which is the maximum population size that can be sustained based on available resources like food, water, and shelter. When a population exceeds the environment's carrying capacity, it can lead to resource depletion, competition, and potential collapse. Maintaining a balance between population size and available resources is crucial for the long-term sustainability of ecosystems.

The number of organisms an ecosystem can support is?

determined by the ecosystem's carrying capacity, which is influenced by factors such as available food, space, and resources. It is important for the organisms in an ecosystem to stay within the carrying capacity to maintain balance and prevent overpopulation. When the population exceeds the carrying capacity, it can lead to competition for resources, habitat degradation, and eventual population decline.

The is the point at which environmental resources limit population growth.?

This point is known as carrying capacity. It is the maximum population size that an environment can sustain based on its available resources and factors such as food, water, and shelter. When a population exceeds the carrying capacity, it can lead to resource depletion and may result in a decline or collapse in population numbers.

What does the term carrying capacity refer to?

Lookin your Biology book slackers! :)

The maximum population size that the environment can sustain on a consistent basis is known as the?

carrying capacity. It represents the maximum number of individuals of a species that can be supported by the available resources in the ecosystem over a prolonged period of time. When a population exceeds the carrying capacity, it can lead to environmental degradation and resource depletion.

What is the maximum size that a population can reach in an ecosystem is called?

The maximum size that a population can reach in an ecosystem is called the carrying capacity. This represents the maximum number of individuals of a species that the ecosystem can support over the long term, taking into account available resources and environmental conditions. When a population exceeds the carrying capacity, it can lead to competition for resources, which may result in a decline in population size.

What is used to describe the greatest number of people within a population that an ecosystem can support?

Carrying capacity is the term used to describe the greatest number of individuals within a population that an ecosystem can sustain over the long term. It represents the maximum population size that an environment can support given the available resources. When a population exceeds the carrying capacity, it can lead to environmental degradation and a decline in resources, which can in turn lead to population decline.

What is based on whether the population in the system destroys the natural resources of that system?

The carrying capacity of the system dictates whether the population ensures sustainable resource use or depletes resources. If the population stays within the system's carrying capacity, resources can replenish naturally. However, if the population exceeds this capacity, it can lead to resource depletion and system collapse.

What is the carrying capacity of people living on earth?

A population's carrying capacity is the amount of organisms a certain environment can sustain. If the number of organisms exceeds carrying capacity the resources in the environment will be depleted resulting in a carrying capacity drop followed by a drop in the population of organisms.

Why is it that when the load exceeds the network capacity delay tends to infinity?

As load exceeds network capacity, packets gets jammed at nodes. These packets never go forward unless load goes below network capacity. Hence when load exceeds network capacity delay tends to infinity. As load exceeds network capacity, packets gets jammed at nodes. These packets never go forward unless load goes below network capacity. Hence when load exceeds network capacity delay tends to infinity.

For a particular species the carrying capacity is the maximum number of individual organisms that?

For a particular species, the carrying capacity is the maximum number of individual organisms that can be supported by the available resources in a given environment. It represents the maximum population size that the environment can sustain over the long term. When the population exceeds the carrying capacity, resources become limited, leading to competition and potentially a decline in population size.

What might happen if the earth exceeds its carrying capactiy?

If Earth exceeds its carrying capacity, there would likely be increased scarcity of resources such as food and water, leading to competition and conflicts over limited resources. This could result in ecosystem collapse, loss of biodiversity, and damage to the environment, ultimately posing a threat to human survival.