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If you want to look up data that has been laid out in a horizontal manner. Vlookup is for vertical data. See the related question below for more information.

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Q: Which situation use in hlookUP function in excel?
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What is hlookup in Microsoft Excel?

the h stands for horizontal lookup and the v stands for vertical. assume you have two columns and you want to know if there are any names in them that are the same. You can use v look up to tell you how many repeats there are. You can also do that with rows, but you use h lookup. ALso this function can be used to find a certain aspect about a item iin a table.

When do you use the Excel logical formula hlookup?

HLOOKUP is a Lookup and Reference function, not a logical function. It is used to search through a table that is arranged horizontally. You would search along a row to find a value, and then move to another row to get a value to return. The corresponding function VLOOKUP is used more often because data is more often arranged in columns rather than rows. See the related question below.

What is the function used to find a value when the table contains comparison data organized in rows?

You can use HLOOKUP.

What is the formula to multiply and add a cell in Excel using hlookup?

The HLOOKUP function searches for value in the top row of table_array and returns the value in the same column based on the index_number. It has nothing to do with multiplying or adding cells, unless you use the results in some kind of calculation. If this does not answer your question, please ask a more specific question. If you want to know about both multiply and add, ask two questions--one for each subject.

Is a look up used in Excel?

Yes. There are 3 main functions for doing lookups. They are LOOKUP, VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP. You can also use a combination of the MATCH and INDEX functions to achieve a lookup.

What function can be used in Excel to find info in rows based on values in a table data?

There are a number of functions that could be used to achieve that. They are all categorised as lookup functions. Included in them would be ones like VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, LOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH. You could also use the Advanced Filter facility.

What is the step function of Microsoft Excel?

There is no step function in Excel. However, you can use excel to create a Step Function Chart. See related links for a video to explain the process.

Can you use Sum Function in school?

If you use Excel in school, then, yes, you can use the SUM function.

To add numeric enteries quick in excel use the function?

Use the Sum function.

How do you use the all function in Excel?

you can get help in the Microsoft excel itself by pressing F1 key.

What interest rate should be applied to the PMT function in Excel?

There is no single answer to that. It will depend on the calculation you are trying to do. You could use whatever rate is appropriate. The function can use any rate, so that will be based on the particular situation you are working on and what interest rate is specified.

Which Excel function would you use when you want to determine a monthly loan payment?

The PMT function.