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NON-ROUTABLE PROTOCOLS cannot survive being routed. Non-routable protocols presume that allcomputers they will ever communicate with are on the same network (to get them working in a routed environment, you must bridge the networks). Todays modern networks are not very tolerant of protocols that do not understand the concept of a multi-segment network and most of these protocols are dying or falling out of use.

  • NetBEUI
  • DLC
  • LAT
  • DRP
  • MOP
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10y ago

An example of a protocol that is not routable is NetBIOS. Another example is DECs LAT protocols. They are not routable because they don't have a network address.

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Which protocol is non routable?

NetBIOS Frames (NBF) protocol is non routable.

What are the advantages of Non-Routable protocol?

A non-routable protocol has less overhead and processing to do, and is more compact. This leads to faster transmission.

Of IPX SPX TCP IP and NetBEUI which is not routable?

NetBEUI is the only listed protocol that is not routable; the rest are.

What is the difference between routable and nonroutable protocols?

A routable protocol contains a network address as well as a device address. Non-routable protocol, on the other hand, regulate the transfer of data and always makes use of interior routing system to transmit data.

A non routable protocol does not operate in which layer of the OSI model?

Network Layer

How do routing protocols and routable protocols differ?

A routing protocol refers to a protocol that is only used between routers, such as OSPF and EIGRP. A routed protocol, meanwhile, refers to a protocol wherein data can be routed, such a IP, AppleTalk, and IPX.

Why does a protocol have to be routable to communicate on internet?

There are two types of Protocols according to mechanism:Routable & Non RoutableNon Routable protocols work on Broadcast & doesn't maintain tables whereas Routable (Routed) protocols are designed to work in larger networks & tables are maintained dynamically on Network devices.Internet is vast & constitutes multiple Networks. Routable Protocols route information across Internet devices between Source to Destination Network.

Tcp ip and netbeui which is not routable?

IPX/SPX : Routable // TCP/IP : Routable // NetBEUI : Not Routable

When is NetBIOS routable?

when is NetBIOS routable

All protocols are routable?

No, not all protocols are routable.

What is DECNET?

DECnet from Digital Equipment Corporation is a suite of protocols which may be used on large networks that integrate mainframe and minicomputer systems. It is a routable protocol. DNA - Digital Network Architecture.

Why is NetBEUI not routable?

Because it is not IP based.