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Which portion of the destination IP address is used as a packet is routed through the internet?

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Q: Which portion if the destination IP address is used as a packet is routed through the Internet?
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Routes packets through the internet to get them to their destination?

IP (Internet Protocol)

What is the role of the address field in a packet travelling through a datagram?

There are two address fields. Source is the IP address the packet came from and destination is the IP address the packet is meant to be delivered to.

How do you receive a fax without a number through the smith micro hot fax software?

Usually to send fax you need fax number for the destination of faxes. Some fax software are compatible with internet faxing, instead of numbers they uses account names or email address. If you are using internet fax, you can receive faxes through your accounts.

How can you locate your own IP address through the internet?

You can loacte your own public IP address on

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Only if the information you fax is transmitted to its destination through an encrypted tunnel or session otherwise it will be traveling through the Internet.

Where can I get a new email address?

The option to create a new email address is available through many email providers such as Yahoo!, or Gmail which can be accessed online. Another option, if you have the internet at home, is through the company that provides your internet service (your ISP) such as PlusNet or Virgin, which is also accessed through the internet.

In an IPv4 environment what information is used by the router to forward data packets from one interface of a router to another?

It uses the MAC address, Media Access Control. Every packet sent from a computer contains its MAC address. The router stores this in its routing table. When it receives a packet with a destiation address of that MAC address, then it forwards it to that computer. This is called NAT, Network Address Translation. It uses the Destination IP address

The Internet address through which your ISP gives you access to the Internet is known as?

Your ISP usually gives you a DHCP address, meaning "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol"; it means that your IP address can change. An unchanging address would be called a Static IP.

What is a numeric identifying address for a computer accessible through the internet is called?

ip adress

Can you send a message to an international cell phone through the internet?

Yes, but you may need to find a website in the same country as the destination phone.

What is specified by the network number in the ip address?

The network number in an IP address is that portion of the IP address that matches the subnet mask. For instance, if the IP address is and the subnet mask is, then the network number is If the subnet mask is, then the network number is The network layer (layer 2 in the OSI model) in the TCP/IP protocol stack uses the network number to determine if the destination address is directly reachable, or if the frame needs to be routed through the default gateway.

What is specified by the network number in an IP address?

The network number in an IP address is that portion of the IP address that matches the subnet mask. For instance, if the IP address is and the subnet mask is, then the network number is If the subnet mask is, then the network number is The network layer (layer 2 in the OSI model) in the TCP/IP protocol stack uses the network number to determine if the destination address is directly reachable, or if the frame needs to be routed through the default gateway.