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Q: Which osi layer incorporate the MAC address and LLC?
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Which standard divides the data link layer into the LLC and the MAC sublayers?


Does MAC address operates at Layer 2?

yes. thougth the nic is a layer 1 device its mac address is used in datalink layer

What layer is supdivided into two sub layers in the OSI model?

Layer 2 is divided into the LLC and MAC sublayers.

Which of the OSI layers translates the MAC address into a physical address?

The MAC sublayer is part of Layer 2 - Data Link Layer - but it is more correct to say that the MAC address is the physical address.

Which layer not support Mac address?

Layer 1 of the OSI Layer Model does not support MAC addresses.

Why DLL is divided into two different layers?

It is divided into LLC (IEEE 802.2) and MAC (IEEE 802.3) layers.The LLC is used to identify the upper layer protocol from the received data.The MAC layer is used to identify the particular host on the destination network.

What address do layer two switches use?

A MAC address

What layer is divided into two layers?

The OSI model's data link layer is divided into two sublayers: the Logical Link Control (LLC) and the Media Access Control (MAC) layers. The LLC layer manages communication between devices on a network, while the MAC layer controls access to the physical network medium.

Which layer of the OSI model includes the MAC address?

That is considered part of layer 2.That is considered part of layer 2.That is considered part of layer 2.That is considered part of layer 2.

What TCP IP layer does a MAC address function?

Network Interface Layer

What layer of the ois model adds source and destination MAC address to frames?

in the osi model data link layer is adds source & destination mac address to frames

At what layer a NIC identifies itself using the MAC address?

Data Link Layer...