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Q: Which of these IP address can be routed across the internet?
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Which portion if the destination IP address is used as a packet is routed through the Internet?

Which portion of the destination IP address is used as a packet is routed through the Internet?

Can ip address be routed to the internet?


What will happen if a private ip address is assigned to a public interface connected to an isp?

Address in a private range will not be routed on the internet backbone

Define public address and private address?

A public address is one that is seen on the Internet and can be routed. A private IP address is only visible within its organization network and any packets containing a destination address using a private address will not be routed outside the organization.

Which is the private IP address that cant be routed across the internet?

The ranges and the amount of usable IP's are as follows: - 16,777,216172.16.0.0 - 1,048,576192.168.0.0 - 65,536

Does an iphone have an IP address?

Yes, if you are using the internet you'll have an IP address.

How will describe IP address?

Your IP is your "Internet Protocol" address. It is a way of identifying your computer system in the network of computers we call the internet. When you pay an isp to link you into the system, they will probably give you a modem, and it will have an IP address to communicate with the network. You can see what that address is by going to Your computer also has an internal network IP if it is connected to a router which the router uses to make sure the different computers requesting web pages and the like through it, get what they asked for.

What do you mean by ip?

Ip means internet protocol.If we want to connect internet or communicate two or more system we need a ip address. ip address provided by internet service provider. Each system has unique ip address. ip address consists of 4 bytes seperated by dots. There are two types of ip address available: 1)Internal ip address 2) External ip address 1) Internal address means our system ip address.i check my internal ip address in my windows xp using Dos command. you can also find internet ip address this method. 2)External ip address means internet ip address. It is provided by internetsevice provider I check my external ip address using this site . Here you can also search ip,domain host iplocation,Country,Latitude and Longitude details and etc.

What is the location on the internet?

internet Protocol address (or the IP address).

What is the ip address and if your computer does not connected to internet then your computer have an ip address?

IP address is the internet protocol address which is unique for each system in the given network. IP address is like an unique id that uniquely identifies a system on a network. Yes even if you are not connected to internet, computer would still have an IP address.

Is a IP address?

Yes, it is an address in one of the private IP address ranges that have been defined and reserved.The private IP address ranges are set as: through through through address in these ranges can be set up and used by homes, offices, and anyone else and the communication will not be routed to the Internet because they are defined as unroutable. They also will not cause any IP address conflicts on the Internet since nothing Internet-accessible exists in those address ranges.If you have any other questions about IP addressing, feel free to drop me a line.

Why is it unlickely that you will find the IP address on the Internet?

It is unlikely that you will find the IP address on the internet because the .10 represents the number of host connected to an individual network. Also, IEEE recommends that the following IP addresses be used for private networks: through Class A through Class B through Class C